
Thanking God for our Gift

Dandelions, pesky weeds to some, are immediately eradicated from our lawns. But if left to grow and flourish, both plant and flower can function in various ways. The leaves can be cooked and eaten and the flowers have medicinal value for certain aliments. These yellow blooms then become intricate puffballs, ensuring the growth of new dandelion plants.

Our kids, without fail, will see the beauty in the small yellow blossom. Chubby hands clutching the stem, our young ones come running, anxious to present mommy with a wonderful gift. We accept the yellow weed with thankfulness, honoring it in a vase for all to admire.

God has given each of us a dandelion in the form of our challenged child. "Children are a gift from the Lord" ( Psalm 127:3) We can choose to accept His precious gift or toss it aside as a weed. As moms, we nurture our special gift, and with God's help, provide water, food, and rich soil. We love our kids and meet their unique needs as God provides direction. Then, when blossoms morph into puffballs, we gently blow and in the whisper of a moment, the gift God gave us, now spreads His love and glory to the world. Thank you God for the wonderful gift of my son!

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