
God's Waiting Room

Our connect group topic for last week was to have been WAITING. We have spent time thanking God for His gift to us in the form of our special kids. Then we focused on dreaming BIG for our children, which is really discovering God's dreams for them. Keeping hope alive through God's Word,became the next leg of our journey. At that point, I could almost see transformation just around the next bend in the road. But God does not follow our timeline. After we have expressed thankfulness, asked Him how to pray, and repeated His promises back to Him, we wait. And wait. And wait. Does God want us to just sit and do nothing while we wait? Jesus provides a comfortable lap to sit in as we wait. He whispers tender words, holding us close. All cares melt away in His embrace. Our eyes close, our cheeks flush,we breathe the sigh of little ones as dreamland overtakes them. The Lord may gently nudge us, encouraging us to look around . His" waiting room" has become a place of activity. We are aware of people to care for and pray for. Our kids need our attention. God's plan for them is also part of His plan for their moms. We are the lifeline He uses to perform His purposes in their lives. God is transforming us, step by agonizing step, into strong warriors, advocates for our children, witnesses for Him. Waiting is an action word. As we anticipate seeing His glorious plan unfold, may He give us hearts to love Him more.


Valerie Berns said...

I am commenting because that will assure you'll get email notification. Sharla, we will miss you so much, but I know God has a plan for all of us to stay connected. Misty and Marcy, I hope to see you tonight as we focus on standing during a crisis. love you all!

Valerie Berns said...

I missed everyone last night. I went to our connect group and on one else was there. Is there a better time or day that we can have our group? I have to admit I am discouraged and confused. I felt the strong leading of the Lord to develop this group. please pray that we will all come to the right solution. Love you all!!!

Sharla said...

Valerie- I am so sorry to hear that you are discouraged. Life is busy for everyone and adding a child or two with high needs doesn't make things any easier for any of us. Perhaps we could meet monthly? My schedule is so crazy that I couldn't really pick a good time for sure. Maybe Sunday evenings? I know never have doctor or counseling appointments on Sundays. :) Just remember that even if a regular meeting doesn't happen we have all been blessed just by finding each other.