
Good Tidings

I'm no angel.  Most days I'm glad, because angels don't have my testimony.  The story of how God has taken my messed up life to use for His glory.  Angels can't share how Jesus died for them, how He left heaven on a rescue mission to bring them Home.  Jesus did this for humans, not angels. 

Some days, though, I wish I could have been an angel just long enough to fly around spreading the message of Jesus' birth.  Can you imagine how absolutely wonderful that would be?  To literally sing out the birth announcement of the Word made flesh!  How exciting to be the first to notify earthlings of a Holy intervention on their behalf.   

The celestial curtain has closed on the angels' role in sharing the good news of the Savior's birth. I wonder if they wish they could still light up the skies, joyously awakening shepherds with news that everything had changed!  

As I ponder this, a light bulb comes on, awakening me to the fact that I too have urgent reasons to joyously share this miracle. Those reasons are the people who still haven't believed in the Babe of Bethlehem. Like I said, I'm no angel so how can I proclaim His birth all these years later?

I can  tell my personal story of how God showed me I needed a Savior. The angels' message is mine to share too. Maybe I need to don some wings and take to the streets because the angels' good tidings are still the best news ever.
Luke 2:8-14

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